Talks in conferences

Past and coming conferences that I have and will attend.

  • 2019 September 30-October 4, Hybrid Photonics and Materials 2019 -HPM19- (Naxos, Greece).
  • 2019 September 1-5, Summer school on quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium (Granada, Spain). Tutorial talk
  • 2019 July 23-26, Meta 2019, 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (Lisbon, Portugal).
  • 2019 June 17-21, Workshop on Recent Advances in Topological Photonics, (Dejeon, South Korea).
  • 2019 April 23-25, Workshop “Progress in nonlinear optics” (Helsinki, Finland).
  • 2019 January 3-6, Nanometa 2019 (Seefeld, Austria).
  • 2018 November 26-28, Chiral modes in optics and electronics of 2D systems (Aussois, France). Tutorial talk
  • 2018 October 1-2, France-Japan Workshop on Hybrid Quantum Systems (Paris, France).
  • 2018 September 2-6, Correlations and Entanglement with Photons in Cavities (Milton Keynes, UK).
  • 2018 May 28-June 1, QSIT – Quantum Science and Technology (Monte Verita, Switzerland).
  • 2018 March 26-29, Novel Paradigms in Many-Body Physics from Open Quantum Systems (Dresden, Germany). Tutorial talk.
  • 2018 March 19-20, IOP Topical Research Meeting on Topological states in strongly interacting light-matter systems (Milton Keynes, UK).
  • 2018 January 14-17, Condensates of Light (Bad-Honnef, Germany).
  • 2017 November 20-23, Workshop on Synthetic dimensions in quantum engineered systems (Zurich, Switzerland).
  • 2017 October 16-20, Universal aspects of quantum turbulence, Condensation, superfluidity and turbulence in polariton fluids (Nice, France). Plenary talk.
  • 2017 September 10-15, 16th Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems, Topological properties of polariton lattices (Bath, UK). Plenary talk.
  • 2017 August 27-September 1, Fundamental Optical Processes in Semiconductors FOPS 2017, Topological lasing in a 1D polariton lattice (Stevenson, US).
  • 2017 July 4-8, OPTO 2017, Microcavity polaritons for photonic quantum simulation (Warsaw, Poland).
  • 2017 Mai 15-19, International Workshop Physics of Exciton-Polaritons in Artificial Lattices, Topological properties of polariton lattices (Daejeon, South Korea).
  • 2017 Mai 8-12, Quantum fluids of light and matter, Topological properties of polariton lattices (Cargese, France).
  • 2016 December 4-9, Workshop What is bright with light, Topological properties of edge states in polariton lattices (Bariloche, Argentina).
  • 2016 November 28-December 2, ICTP Workshop on driven quantum systems, Edge states in a polariton honeycomb lattice (Bariloche, Argentina).
  • 2016 November 16-17, Optis symposium, Spin-orbit coupling in micropillar lattices (Cachan, France).
  • 2016 October 19-21, Strong Coupling with Organic Molecules 2016, Microcavity polaritons in microstructures (San Sebastian, Spain).
  • 2016 September 5-8, Workshop on Analog Quantum Simulators for Many-Body Dynamics, Out of equilibrium condensation in polariton lattices (Heidelberg, Germany).
  • 2016 April 25-29, 8th International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems (ICSCE8), Exciton-polaritons in lattices: a non-linear photonic simulator (Edinburgh, UK).
  • 2016 April 18-20, TopoDays 2016, Orbital edge states in a photonic honeycomb lattice (Trento, Italy).
  • 2016 April 4-7, SPIE Photonics Europe 2016, Microcavity polaritons in lattices: a nonlinear photonic emulator (Brussels, Belgium).
  • 2016 February 13-18, SPIE Photonics West 2016, Polariton lattices for photonic simulation (San Francisco, US).
  • 2016 January 13-15, Condensates of light conference, Stochastic precession of the polarization in a polariton laser (Chicheley, UK).
  • 2016 January 3-8, PQE Conference 2016, Edge States in a Polariton Honeycomb Lattice (Snowbird, US).
  • 2015 October 5-9, Non-equilibrium dynamics of strongly interacting photons, Microcavity polaritons in lattices (Santa Barbara, US)
  • 2015 June 22-24, POLATOM 2015, Polaritons in honeycomb lattices (Bad Honnef, Germany)
  • 2015 May 27-31, Hybrid Photonics and Materials (HPM2015) Conference, Acoustic Blackholes in Polariton Fluids (Santorini, Greece)
  • 2015 April 7-10, Winter school on Non-Equilibrium Quantum Systems:Theory and Experimental Implementation, Microcavity polaritons: bosonic condensation in a non-Hermitian system (Obergurgl, Austria)
  • 2015 January 12-23, International Winter School and Workshop on Strongly correlated fluids of light and matter, Polariton BECs and superfluids (Trento, Italy)
  • 2014 September 22-25, CeNS Workshop “Walk and Talk at the Nanoscale”, Quantum emulation with microcavity polaritons, (Venice, Italy)
  • 2014 July 7-11, 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Microcavity polaritons: an experimental simulator for non-linear Schrodinger equations, (Madrid, Spain)
  • 2014 June 9-13, CLEO conference, Polariton Lattices for Quantum Simulation, (San Jose, USA)
  • 2014 April 2-4, OSA Incubator Meeting Topological Order with Photons, Engineering lattices and spin orbit coupling for photons, (Washington DC, USA)
  • 2014 April 21-25, 7th International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Exciton Systems, Engineering spin-orbit coupling and flat bands in polariton condensates, (Hakone, Japan)
  • 2014 February 23-28, 18th International Winterschool on New Developments in Solid State Physics, Polariton networks for quantum simulation, (Mauterndorf, Austria)
  • 2013 August 19-23, Advanced Workshop on Non-equilibrium Bosons, Spin-orbit coupling in polariton condensates, (Trieste, Italy)
  • 2013 July, Summer Programme on Synthetic Gauge Fields for Photons and Atoms, Spin-orbit coupling in polariton condensates (Trento, Italy)
  • 2013 May 30-31, Workshop Atomes froids et ingénierie quantique, Manipulation of polariton condensates in engineered potentials, (Paris, France)
  • 2012 December 11-14, European workshop on Indirect Excitons, Manipulation of polariton condensates (Casteldefells, Spain)
  • 2012 October 14-18, Optical Society of America – Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science 2012, Macroscopic self-trapping and non-linear oscillations in coupled polariton condensates, (Rochester, USA)
  • 2012 September 25-28, 2012 European Optical Society Annual Meeting, Non-linear hydrodynamics of microcavity polaritons: from superfluidity to dark soliton formation, (Aberdeen, UK)
  • 2012 September 10-14, POLATOM Conference on Cold Atoms and Semic. Polaritons, Half-solitons as magnetic monopole analogues in polariton condensates, (Cambridge, UK)
  • 2012 August 27-31, 6th International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Exciton Systems, Spinor hydrodynamics in polariton condensates, (Stanford, USA)
  • 2012 July 29-August 3, 31st International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Quantum hydrodynamics of polariton condensates, (ICPS 31, Zurich, Switz.).
  • 2012 June 21-24, Relaxation, Turbulence, and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Matter Fields – RETUNE 2012, Superfluidity and Hydrodynamic Excitations in out of equilibrium Polariton Condensates, (Heidelberg, Germany).
  • 2012 June 8-15, 41st ”Jaszowiec” International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Polariton condensation, superfluidity and quantum hydrodynamics, (Krynica-Zdrój, Poland). 3 hours tutorial.
  • 2012 April 12-15, Relativistic Phenomena in Solids, Experimental observation of magnetic monopoles in polariton condensates, (Monte-Dore, France).
  • 2012 March 30-April 6, Vth International School of Nanophotonics and Photovoltaics, Hydrodynamics of light-matter waves, (Phuket, Thailand).
  • 2012 March 20-23, ESF- Polaritonics – From Basic Research to Device Applications, Polariton condensates in optical traps, (Marino, Italy).
  • 2011 July 25-29, 19thInternational conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS19), Superfluidity and Hydrodynamics of Polaritons in Semiconductor Microcavities, (Tallahassee, USA)
  • 2011 June 27-July 1, New trends in the physics of the quantum vacuum: from condensed matter, to gravitation and cosmology, Quantum fluid phenomena of polaritons in semiconductor microcavities, (Trento, Italy).
  • 2011 February 7-11, 5th International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Exciton Systems, Hydrodynamic solitons in polariton superfluids, (Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • 2010 April, 10th Conference on the Physics of Light Matter Coupling in Nanostructures, Superfluidity of polariton condensates, (Cuernavaca, Mexico)
  • 2009 September, 11th Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems, Superfluidity of polariton condensates, (Madrid, Spain)