Photon lattices and fluids of light

Our group studies the linear and nonlinear dynamics of light in photonic lattices and in semiconductor microcavities at the laboratory PhLAM of the Univeristy of Lille and the CNRS. Our current projects are:

Lattices of coupled micropillars

Semiconductors micropillars are an excellent platform to engineer lattices of photonic resonators with tailored bands. They allow the engineering and study of artificial gauge fields with photons, topological edge states, lasing in exotic modes, unconventional localisation and many more.

Lattice quantum electrodynamics in an open cavity

The coupling of quantum emitters to cavity environments modifies their emission properties. We study lattice subradiance and superradiance and collective effects when various emitters are coupled to the lattice modes. This is project is part of the QuantERA network MOLAR.

Synthetic lattices in coupled fibre rings

Coupled fibre rings allow implementing time-multiplexed photonic lattices which properties that can be modulated in time and space with exquite control. This opens the door to the study of anomalous topological phases, aperiodic lattices with fractal properties, non-hermitian dynamics and nonlinear phenomena in discrete lattices.

Out of equilibrium photon condensates and superfluids

Nonlinear effects in semiconductor microcavities modify the properties of light to the point of making it behave as a dense fluid. Vortices, solitons, shock waves, turbulence or superfluidity are some of the most remarkable phenomena accessible in such fluids of light.