Short biography
After undergraduate studies at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spain, I obtained a PhD in physics from the same university in 2008 with an experimental project on exciton dynamics in semiconductor heterostructures (main results can be found here). Then I did a post-doc at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel in París (2008-2010), where I performed pioneering studies in the quantum hydrodynamics of polaritons, half-photon/half-exciton particles. In 2010 I joined the CNRS as a permanent researcher. I spent 7 years at Laboratoire de Photonique et Nanostructures (now Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies) in Marcoussis, where I worked in close collaboration with Jacqueline Bloch on non-linear optical phenomena in semiconductor microcavites as well as on photon dynamics in novel confined geometries. I have strongly been involved in topological photonics experiments in polariton lattices. Since october 2017 I work at Labortoire PhLAM at the University of Lille, in the north of France where I work on topology and turbulence in fluids of light.
In 2012 I received the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Physics of Semiconductors and in 2014 the young physicist award (experimental) granted by the Real Sociedad Española de Física. Since 2013 I lead the ERC « Starting Grant » project HONEYPOL.